Solar BOS

A Solar PV Balance-of-System or BOS refers to the components and equipment that move DC energy produced by solar panels through the conversion system which in turn produces AC electricity.

Eco-Friendly Power

Solar BOS

Solar BOS (Balance of System) includes all essential components like inverters, mounting structures, cables, protection devices, ACDB, DCDB, LT panel,cable trays, safety rope, batteries, switch gears and ev charger needed for a solar power system to function efficiently and safely.
Most often, BOS refers to all components of a PV system other than the modules. In addition to inverters and racking, this includes the cables/wires, switches, enclosures, fuses, ground fault detectors, and more. BOS applies to all types of solar applications.
BOS components include the majority of the pieces, which make up roughly 10%-50% of solar purchasing and installation costs and account for the majority of maintenance requirements. Essentially it is through the balance-of-system components that we: control cost, increase efficiency, and modernize solar PV systems.