Sun can pay your electricity bills. Availability of abundant solar energy can replace fossil fuel which is getting exhausted as the years pass by. Solar energy falling on the earth in one hour can power the entire earth for an entire year. Solar energy is a cost – effective and a long-term investment as it results in significant saving on your electricity bill. Solar Energy reduces the carbon footprint for any organisation or individual as it is extremely friendly to the environment.
What is Trina Solar?
Trina Solar is a solar panel manufacturer founded in 1997, provides exceptional and reliable solar solution. Trina Solar has extended its service to over 100 countries all over the world. It provides 25 years of manufacturer’s warranty of linear degradation schedule.
Types of Trina Solar panels:
Trina Solar provides a wide range of solar modules namely Monocrystalline solar modules, Polycrystalline solar modules, PERC solar module and Bifacial solar modules.Each of these models are further classified based on its structure as Standard module and Tallmax modules. This variation in structure is done to increase the usage of available domestic or commercial space. Where Standard module has 120 PV cells per module and Tallmax with 144 PV cells per module are larger in length and smaller in width than Standard modules. These modules are designed in such a way to accommodate the lesser or narrow space available.
Trina Solar’s R & D teams focuses on reducing the power losses and increasing the cell efficiency. As a result, Split cell technology is an upgraded option. Here a full cell is cut into two half cells and connected in series which helps to reduce the power loss caused by the ribbon resistance of the module.
Trina Solar Watt Peak Range:
Trina solar produces a wide range of solar PV modules and Balance of the System. The solar module open a wide range between 350 Wp to 600 Wp for the customers to choose with respect to their need.
Types of Trina higher power modules:
The vertex ultra – high power modules are designed in such a way to yield a high power of 500 Wp, 550 Wp and 600 Wp. These Ultra – high power modules come in two types, they are Vertex backsheet modules and Vertex bifacial dual glass modules. The Vertex backsheet modules are the normal ones with plain backsheet whereas the Vertex bifacial dual glass modules are the ones with two layers of glasses on covering the module. This reduces the back reflection of solar rays falling on the PV cells of the module. This unique design optimizes the energy production under inter – row shading condition.

Some of the characteristics of the Trina Vertex 500 WP PV ultra – high power module:
Its larger cell area of 210 mm Silicon wafer increases the power production. Its designed with 1/3 cut cell technology.
Total equivalent maximum power of 535 Wp with maximum power voltage of 43.4 V and maximum power current voltage of 11. 53 I can be generated at Standard temperature condition.
Operating temperature of the module is -40 to +85 oC and the nominal module operating temperature is 41 oC.
The power, voltage and current temperature coefficients are -0.36 % / oC, -0.26 % / oC and 0.04 % / oC respectively.
These panels show 0 to +5 W of Power tolerance.
Incident angle modifier is inbuilt to improve the performance
Improved current collection, high density interconnect technology and light trapping effect reduces the series resistance and further improves the efficiency.
Module efficiency of 21.0 % is observed in these types of panels.
Mechanical performance varies between -2500 pa and +5400 pa.
30 years of extended power warrant and 12 years of product workmanship warranty is provided.
Levelized cost of energy, cost of balance of the system and payback periods are less.
Micro-cracking, module warping, first class fire certification, UV aging and corrosion resistant are high qualities certified by the third party to ensure high product quality.
Certifications held by the Trina Vertex 500 WP PV ultra – high power module are as follows:
IEC61215/IEC61730/IEC61701/IEC62716/UL1703 ISO 9001: Quality Management System
ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
ISO14064: Greenhouse Gases Emissions Varication
ISO45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management System
1500 V UL/ICE certifications are tested by third party.